Lauren and I have not seen eye to eye for much of this year. Recently our frequent petty arguments escalated into a few screaming matches in our car as I chauffeured her around on endless runs of hang-outs, water polo practices and music lessons. We'd stopped speaking for a few days and it gradually became sort of a panic situation for Lauren only because she needed my permission to go on a trip to the mountains with her friend Nina's family during spring break. I'm not sure whether she would've eventually apologized had this not been in the cards, but at the last possible moment, I received a reminder call from Nina's dad, with Lauren passing on the handset to me sheepishly and shyly asking if I had read her apology letter, which she'd conveniently positioned on my workstation desktop before leaving for school. Here's what it said:
Note the preponderance of hearts! Note the tug-at-your-heartstrings tone! Note the unaccustomed humility (I'm just a kid.) Really, Lauren! There were times I thought you were born to be my slave driver. :)
The many faces of Lauren