
Monday, December 20, 2010

Mini Competition at South Coast Dancesport

The girls have not competed for the longest time, but on the heels of You Can Dance, Paul (their ballroom dancing instructor) persuaded them to enter a mini competition held at South Coast Dancesport.  We'd known this dance studio as Laguna Rhythm, back in the days when Espie Hernandez was managing it.  At first, the idea was that Audrey would make good use of the dress she bought for YCD, but on the day of the competition, Audrey changed her mind when she felt she might be overdressed for the occasion, since it was held locally between three dance studios in the area and not a national event.  She ended up wearing a dress I bought off the rack at the mall for less than $30.

Lauren and Audrey watching other dancers compete

Lauren, looking all grown-up

I've never been of much help for Lauren in the fashion department, since she is handier by far and prefers to put her own signature on styles.  For this competition, she'd learned to fashion her own origami bun with a hair gadget sold at the junior's accessories store.

We reunited with Erik Cyr from You Can Dance, as he was the event's main judge.

Natasha always comes along to support her cousins at whatever they do.  Here she is fooling around with Lauren between heats.

Natasha and me

The girls didn't win, but we celebrated anyhow with dinner at El Torito.  I couldn't believe the competition lasted past 4:30 in the afternoon.  Thank God we didn't show up until almost 1pm for our turns.  Still, the girls were tired and famished.  Our party ate so much chips and salsa at the restaurant that we were sated by the time the entrees arrived.

It was fun getting back into the swing of things, but Audrey thinks she might be taking a break from dance soon.  She will resume vocal lessons with Diana during Christmas break, as the incessant rain has foiled her plans for taking Drivers Ed courses.

It never fails... when Seattleites come to visit, they bring wet, miserable weather to California.  Midol can't deny it anymore!  Wish she could've brought fresh air from our adopted hometown.

Midol on a hike with a friend

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