
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lake Louise

My brother, Doca, and his family recently took a road trip to Banff (in the heart of Canada's Rocky Mountains), visiting Lake Louise, one of the region's most scenic landmarks.

Doca, Gisele, and Hanh in typical touristy pose with wooden bear

Gisele proved she was the better model by far posing solo with her soft pup.

She was all smiles upon arrival at the campsite...

It only took Gisele a minute to get the lay of the land...

And not too long before she allowed herself to behave like a native...

Doca's photos of Lake Louise were postcard-perfect!  Have you ever seen such an amazing montage of water and sky?

This must be where the word "aquamarine" originated

Watercolored sunset

These photos reminded me of Solvang, a Danish village in Santa Barbara County I visited a few years back...

Picturesque store fronts

Quaint architecture

Rustic flower cart

Cabin by the lake

My sister Terra got to join Doca's family on this trip.  Terra is everyone's ideal travel companion... always cheerful, ready to help in every way and eager to find redeeming fun in even the most disappointing tourist experience.  I remember a trip to Hawaii where our family fell prey to a cheap tour scam and got stranded on the side of a remote road on our way to Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, waiting in the sweltering heat for connecting transportation that we feared might not ever arrive.  We were so relieved to finally see a rickety bus lumbering toward our stop to pick us up, but where was Terra??  While everyone else was busy griping and cursing, she had gone off on her own to capture "wildflowers" (weeds!) on her video camera.  I've thought ever since that if I could bottle her attitude for sale, it would make me an instant millionaire!

Terra, nature's child

Gisele is used to giving Auntie Terra a hard time, even on vacation!

Our cousin came along, too.  This photo shows him (on the right), Doca (in the middle), and Hanh's brother-in-law, in a rare and precious moment of male bonding. ;)

The nights were cold at the campsite, so Gisele was often bundled up angora-rabbit style...

Lake Louise offered not only breathtaking scenery, but also conventional tourist attractions, such as thrill rides, that suited Gisele.

Here I go up where I could touch the clouds!

Taking in the view with my dad & mom

This blog probably seemed so promotional it could pass for a link from the Banff Visitors Bureau's website, but I sure wish I were there in person to take in these sights!

Once back home in Temecula, Gisele will prepare herself for an important milestone in her young life... entering preschool.

Mommy was more than ready to wrap up her vacation, but Gisele looked like she still had a lot of mileage in her

On daddy's shoulder, Gisele looked back fondly at her cabin, home away from home for the past week.

Goodbye, Lake Louise!

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